Saturday, November 9, 2019


The magazine is then ejected. By default, the drive treats a non-Media Recognition System tape as read-only and will not write data to it. The HP CA does not support data compression. If a fault has been detected with the mechanism, or loss of data may result, the error message may be accompanied by the Operator Attention Required light being lit or flashing. You can use a combination of Ultra and Ultra2 devices. This is done by representing strings of bytes with codewords. c1537a firmware

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c1537a firmware

Because these parameters vary from system to system, it is difficult to give a definitive statement of the number of backup operations achievable using a particular tape. No part of this document may be photocopied, reproduced or translated to another language without the prior written consent of Hewlett-Packard. Random mode is sometimes referred to as Changer mode. For early versions of the firmware, the Tape log is not updated on unloading.

The compression ratio is only be displayed after about 1 MB of data has been written since power-on. When this option is not enabled, the Load and Select buttons firmwzre ignored in Stacker mode. This is probably caused by a magazine that is partly inserted through the door.

NSLU2-Linux - HowTo / AddTapeDrive browse

Power-Fail Handling If there is a power-fail, the drive performs the following actions, and reverts to its default configuration when power is restored: Do not expressly advertise your product. Erases part or all of the remaining data within a partition, beginning at the current logical position.

If the problem persists, note the value of X and call for service. When reading, this may mean the required data is on the next cartridge in the sequence.

c1537a firmware

Only use unshielded connectors. Allows the host to request that a cartridge is moved from the magazine to the drive, or from the drive to the magazine. For this reason, it must itself be provided with power.


The overall dimensions of the autoloader without the front panel are as follows: If the signal is still displayed after cleaning the heads, repeat the operation with a different tape. With both autoloaders, an expired cleaning cartridge will be ejected in less than 20 seconds instead of the usual 30 seconds. Instructs the drive to perform a variety of positioning functions, spacing over a specified number of records, filemarks, setmarks, or to EOD.

This incorporates the error correction techniques used in audio DAT drives with additional techniques specifically designed to provide the integrity of data necessary for computer use.

However, it is possible to switch firmwaree recognition system off using the Configuration switches on the underside of the drive. Once a device is granted its request, it and the target to which it wants to send information can transfer the data using one of three protocols assuming firmwaree devices support them: It uses 60m and 90m cartridges, and does not allow hardware data compression.

c1537a firmware

HP DDS drives support asynchronous, synchronous and 8-bit wide transfers. The first cartridge is loaded automatically. To force the ejection of a cartridge, press the Unload button the Eject button on the HP CA three times within a 5-minute period, c1537 hold it down for at least 5 seconds. Reposition and try again. Found Linux same old FTP. If you press the Eject button during the 30 seconds when the autoloader checks magazine slots following insertion of a magazine, the magazine will be ejected immediately, v1537a if Medium Removal Prevention is in force.

HP DDS Drives

They have a pin connection to the SCSI bus. Remove the cartridge and replace with a Media Recognition System cartridge. Inclusion of supported Mode and Log pages p. Head Cleaning Clean the tape heads regularly using the guidelines in the following tables. HP cartridges have the same part numbers as before.

AIC Integrated Ultra SCSI Host Bus Adapter

Hoping someone has a copy of it they can share, or has a good download link. The capacities given are those that can typically be fimware using data compression DC where possible. They also tell you when you have pressed the front panel buttons to confirm that the autoloader has recognized the action.

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